Let's play Voltorbflip!
Game didn't start yet, click on a box to play.
Level 1
Current game score: 0
Total score: 0
How to play
- Every box contains a value, from 0 to 3
- Each time you discover a new number, your score gets multiplied by it
- Game ends if you click on 0
or uncover all 2s/3s. Quitting game makes you keep your current score but counts as loss
- If you win the game by discovering all 2 and 3, you get to the next level. If you fail too many times, you can fall to lower levels.
- Each level is more difficult than the previous, but you also get more points. There is a maximum of 8 levels.
- Numbers at the end shows the sum of all numbers in the row/column (green value), and how much zeroes there are (red value).
- Just click on a box to show it. If you want to mark the box like a draft, right click to open the memo or hover on the box and type the number.
Change the music
Website done and maintained by Arnaud#0865, contact via discord for any feedback
Credits to the original Voltorbflip game in HeartGold/SoulSilver. I do not own any of the assets used on this website.